Welcome to SMSJ Secondary!


Welcome from the Co-Headteachers

Welcome to SMSJ ​Secondary!

A couple of short messages from our Co-Headteachers and Head of Year 7.

Our school has a very distinct Christian ethos that underpins everything we do.​

Everything you need to know about transitioning to secondary school: what to expect ​and ​what you need to get before starting.

Ho​w can you make the best start to your secondary education?

These are the important responsibilities that form the agreement between all staff ​working at SMSJ and all parents/carers and pupils who wish to attend SMSJ.

This must be signed before starting at SMSJ.

Al​l the key dates you need to add to your diaries relating to Year 7 transition!


Welcome from the Co-Headteachers of Secondary

It is wonderful to welcome, not just new students, but a new community of families to SMSJ! ​We are completely committed to the principles of working in partnership with parents and ​carers to ensure that every child is excited and supported throughout their secondary ​education with the limitless possibilities their future has to offer.

This is achieved through a powerful, creative and dynamic academic curriculum but also ​through a commitment to high quality enrichment including trips, visits, extra-curricular ​clubs and opportunities throughout school life for young people to develop as leaders.

SMSJ's values of wisdom, service and hope shape and direct all that we do and throughout ​your journey with us you will develop and practice these values in your encounters and ​learning. We look forward to meeting you and learning more about your passions, skills and ​ambitions and working together to make these a reality.

Hannah Mason & Alice Thomas

Secondary Co-Headteachers

Welcome from staff

Welcome from your Head of Year

Congratulations on receiving a place at SMSJ!

I am greatly looking forward to September when you begin your secondary education at SMSJ.

I hope you are excited about starting at SMSJ too. I have very much enjoyed visiting many of you ​in your primary school settings and getting to know you a little before you begin your ​secondary school journey at SMSJ.

The aim of this site is to give you practical information, answer some questions that you may ​have, and to help you feel prepared for how things work in secondary school at SMSJ. I hope ​that as you familiarise yourself with the information, starting in Year 7 will feel less daunting on ​the first day!

By reading through this site carefully with your parents or carers, you should find most of your ​questions will have been answered. If you have further questions, your parents and carers can ​email office@smsj.london with the subject heading 'Y6 Transition' and we will respond.

I look forward to getting to know you,

Ms McGinnis

Head of Year 7 and Transition

Our School​ Values​

What does it mean to be an ​SMSJ pupil?

Our School Vision

Head with Gear

We strive to equip our students with an ​awareness of the true value of things ​together with an understanding of the ​consequences of our thoughts, words ​and actions.

Success, career growth icon

Our Christian vision is drawn from ​Matthew’s gospel which proclaims the ​Kingdom of God. Jesus teaches his ​disciples about choice, commitment and ​Christian hope for transformational ​change.

Crown of Thorns

Christ’s sacrificial life and his teaching ​about love and humility may appear ​foolish by the world’s standards but, in ​reality, it expresses the Wisdom of God.

Team Collaboration Icon

His wisdom guides us to acknowledge that ​wealth is not material, but that true ​wealth is gained from working ​collaboratively for the common good.

Customer Relationship Outline Icon

A fundamental component of our lives at ​SMSJ is a confident reassurance that all ​things are possible. We believe that ​healing, repair, repentance, forgiveness ​and reconciliation are always possible.

Heart Care Icon

We trust in the loving purposes of God: ​trusting that the foundations of the world ​are good because they spring from God. ​Our hope is rooted in the love and ​faithfulness of God.

Innovation Icon

We embrace innovation and ​transformation with the conviction that ​with Christ, every day, every task, every ​situation, every relationship brims with ​divine possibility.

God is always at work in our lives.

Our School Values
with God all things are possible Matthew 19 26

We have chosen three Christian values to build our ​work around and ensure we grow in body, mind and ​spirit. These values were chosen by consulting ​staff, children, parents and governors.

We are guided by the example of Jesus and the ways in which his followers ​in the early church described how they tried to learn from him. Our values of ​Wisdom, Service and Hope, define us, strengthen our relationships, and ​provide guiding principles that enable us to live out our vision.


If you are wise, your wisdom will ​reward you. (Proverbs 9:12)

We strive to equip our students ​with the ability to make wise ​judgments, to grow in their ​understanding and awareness of ​the world around us and of God.


Now that I, your Lord and ​Teacher, have washed your feet, ​you also should wash one ​another’s feet.

I have set you an example that ​you should do as I have done for ​you. (John 13:14-15)

As a community, we promote the ​service of others - service not self.


We know that suffering produces ​perseverance; perseverance, ​character; and character, hope. (Romans 5:3-4)

Our hope is rooted in the love and ​faithfulness of God. We believe ​that hard work, resilience and ​perseverance will create a hope-​filled future for all our students.

The School Day

Wall Clock Icon
Boy playing basketball silhouette vector
kid with backpack silhouette
Girl student silhouette illustration
Girl Reading Book Silhouette

School gates open



Silent Reading & Pause for Thought


Period 1




Period 2


Period 3


Period 4




Period 5


Period 6





*Tuesdays only



Elizabeth Anderson broke the convention of her ​time by being unrelenting in her hope to ​become a doctor. Her life was dedicated to the ​service of others, not just in her work treating ​others as a medic, but due to her determination ​to make medicine a career that women should ​be able to access and thrive in.


Margot Fonteyn, an English ballerina, ​demonstrated determination from a young age ​to pursue her chosen profession. Margot's ​success as a ballerina, the way in which she ​conveyed emotion and relationship so precisely ​through her dancing, resulted from the wisdom ​gained from a lifetime of dedicated practice of ​her art.


Charles Dickens, a Victorian author, is ​described as having an inexhaustible energy ​which he invested in his literary career and a ​commitment to challenging slavery. His early ​life experiences, which included appalling ​conditions working in a factory, were distilled ​into wisdom which became fictionalised in his ​later works including 'Great Expectations'. ​Many of his works are full of characters and ​stories inspiring social reform and hope.


David Livingstone, a Scottish missionary, was a ​devoted Christian, courageous explorer and ​anti-slavery advocate. Livingstone was willing ​to make sacrifices to do the will of God through ​the service of others. For Livingstone, distance ​was irrelevant in his hope to liberate people ​from the indignity of slavery.


Edward Elgar was an English composer. With no ​formal musical training Elgar developed his own ​unique musical personality. He was a recording ​pioneer and was one of the first composers to ​fully embrace the technology which made ​music available to the masses. A devout Roman ​Catholic, Elgar explored his faith through choral ​works such as ‘Lux Christi’ which communicates ​hope, grounded in God, and its impact on ​ordinary lives.


Florence Nightingale, a pioneer of modern ​nursing believed her vocation was a calling ​from God. Her commitment to the care and ​service of soldiers fighting the Crimean War, ​especially her checking on their wellbeing at ​night, earned her the title 'Lady of the Lamp'. ​Her hope and tireless service means that she ​continues to influence the nature of health care ​practices today.

Collective Worship

‘…with God, all things are possible’ (Matthew 19:26)

Through the pursuit of wisdom and commitment to service, we have hope in a future brimming with possibility. Daily ​worship provides the space and a time of reflection and prayer to enable personal response and to draw communal ​strength and solidarity together for our Church school family.

Our Christian vision supports character and moral development, facilitating a culture and ethos which promote ​aspiration and hope. Leaders ensure that we all take an active interest in character development and the wellbeing of all ​the individual children in our school.

Collective Worship presents opportunities for all to understand social action and to be courageous advocates for ​change. We continue to strive to know God and the world in which we live in order to grow as individuals, capable of ​serving our local and global communities.

Collective Worship also enables us to know and live our Christian vision and to engage in social action and to ​understand how to challenge injustice. Our school community promotes a fair society by challenging injustice and ​valuing diversity. We are proud of our partnerships with our parish communities, St Mary’s and St John’s churches.

All students are expected to take part in Collective Worship by sharing the time and space to quietly reflect and listen.

Lessons at SMSJ

Subjects and Your Teachers

You will study a number of subjects in secondary school which are ​delivered by many more teachers than you have had in primary school.

Each teacher you are taught by will have a passion for their area of study ​and will encourage you to enjoy your work and do the best that you ​possibly can.

Below is an example of typical timetable.

You will receive yours on your first day at school.

A Broad and Balanced Curriculum

You will study the Maths, English, Science, and Religious Studies which ​you will take right up to GCSE.

To complete the Humanities subjects you will study, broaden your ​understanding of the wider world, are History and Geography.

You will also study a Modern Foreign Language, either French or Spanish.

Computer Science, P.E., and PSHCEE.

Performing Arts plays a very strong role in our curriculum and you will ​study Music, Drama and Dance.

Creativity and Design skills are highly valued at SMSJ and you will study ​Art, Design Technology, and Food and Nutrition.

Your Role as a Student

It will be your responsibility to be committed to your learning and arrive ​with the correct books and equipment to each of these classes and to ​make sure that you have completed your home learning.

You will receive regular home learning in each subject.

Personal Organisation

We know that suffering produces perseverance; ​perseverance, character; and character, hope. ​(Romans 5:3-4)

Our hope is rooted in the love and faithfulness of ​God. We believe that hard work, resilience and ​perseverance will create a hope-filled future for all ​our students.

Now that you are in Secondary school, you will be ​completely responsible for your belongings and ​equipment. Here is some important advice for how ​to manage this important change.

Abstract Shape
Semi-Lined Girl Reading about Statistics
Abstract Blob Shape
Abstract Shape Illustration
Abstract Shape Sparkle
Black Brush Stroke Scribble
Abstract Shape
Abstract Shape Sparkle

How to stay organised!


To help you with this you will each get the ​opportunity to have a locker to keep your ​books, equipment and P.E kit in, as you will ​not need all of your books every day. ​

Your parent/carer will pay a deposit for a ​locker key, and the locker will be issued to ​you soon after the start of Year 7.

If you do decide to use a locker you are ​only allowed to go to it:

before morning PAM time, at the start of ​break or lunch, or at the end of the day.

You will not be able to get things from your ​locker during lesson time or between ​lessons where there is not a break, so you ​need to be prepared in advance for lessons ​such as P.E and Dance, where you will nee​d your P.E. kit​.

P.​E. Kit

You will get changed for P.E. and Dance in ​one of the changing rooms next to the ​Sports Hall.

​Please ensure that you have NAMED ALL ​YOUR ITEMS OF UNIFORM, including PE ​Kit! This helps so much if things get lost ​while you are changing for lessons.

You must get changed quickly and take care ​to keep all of your belongings together as ​things get easily mixed up

and lost as everybody has

the same uniform and kit.

Do not forget to take your

PE kit home to be washed!

Find your lost things!

It is really important to NAME ALL YOUR ​BELONGINGS! Then you have a chance of ​finding your things if you do accidentally ​lose something.

Lost Property, is opposite our Inclusion ​rooms. All misplaced items are taken there.

Green tie with yellow stripes. Design element.

School Uniform

We work with every child to reach their full potential in the image of ​God and to do this we teach our children to ‘be all they can be’.

We have a unique and smart uniform, and we believe school should be about ​learning, not focused on our appearance.

We therefore have a uniform policy which we expect all pupils to adhere to and ​which we would like them to wear with pride. This includes:

  • Ties, worn smartly.
  • Shirts, tucked in and with the top button done up.
  • Blazers worn around the school, unless in a lesson, sitting down or playing ​sport.

PAM tutors will check everyone has the correct uniform each morning.

We also believe that high standards of presentation around our local community ​have a big impact on our school’s reputation, and therefore we expect students to ​wear their uniform smartly, including their blazers, on their way to and from ​school.

Support for Parents

At SMSJ, we are aware that buying an entire new uniform is not cheap. For ​this reason, we are happy for you to buy school shirts, trousers and skirts ​from high street retailers, provided they conform to our uniform ​guidelines. We hope the following links are also helpful:


Girls’ Trousers

Girls’ Skirt

Pr​e-loved uniform sales

SMSJ host a regular pre-loved uniform sale for parents.

We are always​ looki​ng for donations.

Important things to be aware of when purchasing uniform

Black School Shoes

No canvas shoes, no suede shoes, no boots or shoes above the ankle, ​no black trainers, no black shoes which are branded with company ​logos, please.


One small, plain stud worn in the lobe of the ear.

No other piercings are permitted.

No large, sparkly or expensive earrings.

Please avoid getting piercings during school holidays as you will be ​asked ​to remove this upon your return to school.


Despite being labelled as such by many uniform shops, flared and ​skinny trousers are not considered school uniform and should not be w​orn to s​c​hool.

Green tie with yellow stripes. Design element.
Green tie with yellow stripes. Design element.
Green tie with yellow stripes. Design element.
Green tie with yellow stripes. Design element.

Student Ambassador Ties

We work with every child to reach their full potential in the image ​of God and to do this we teach our children to ‘be all they can be’.

180 students from Upper Key Stage 2 and Secondary School are elected to ​contribute to the wider school through one of three committees:

  • Wisdom (Green Ties) Committee which reflects on the Quality of ​Education.

  • Service (Blue Ties) Committee which reflects on our Social and Charitable ​Action.

  • Hope (Gold Ties) Committee in which students reflect on the Wellbeing ​and Collective Worship.

Getting Organised!

Equipment List

We expect all students to arrive to school with the correct equipment for learning.

You will need to bring a pencil case, your Learning Journal (which will be issued to you ​in your first week) and a book which you are reading, to school every day.

You will also need the correct subject books for each of your lessons.

If you do not have the right equipment you will be issued an ‘Equipment mark’ in the ​form of a C1 (Consequence 1).

These are the things you need in your pencil case (no pencil sharpeners or scissors):

  • 2 Pens
  • Pencils
  • Highlighters
  • Glue
  • Rubber
  • Ruler
  • Calculator
  • Geometry Set (no compass)
  • Colouring Pencils (not Sharpies or permanent markers)
  • Reading Book
Gluestick in yellow isolated
Geometry Ruler Set
Realistic Highlight Permanent Markers
young man reading book
Freehand Organic Student Using a Laptop

Home Learning

We know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, ​character; and character, hope (Romans 5:3-4)

Our hope is rooted in the love and faithfulness of God. We ​believe that hard work, resilience and perseverance will create a ​hope-filled future for all our students.

You will find Subject Pages on the school website in September ​which have a great deal of useful information about the subjects ​you will study, including overviews for each subject so you can see ​which units and skills you will learn, at a glance.

Home learning is a big part of Secondary school. It is important as ​it prepares you for your next lesson and provides time for you to ​consider and share what you have learned at home.

If you are struggling with the home learning it is important you tell ​your teachers so they can provide you with extra support and/or ​strategies.

Some subjects use internet-based home learning platforms to help ​students to have the best learning experiences whilst studying at ​home, for example in Maths we use Sparx Maths.

You and your parents/carers will have access to a website ​called ClassCharts. This will tell you which tasks need to be ​completed and by when.

It is sensible to try and do your home learning as soon as ​possible, that way you have time to find your teacher if you ​need help before it is due in. Find a quiet space at home and ​ask your parents or carers to check it for you.

If you simply choose not to do your homework, you will be ​given a C2 (this will place you in a 30-minute Reflection after ​school on the day that your home learning should have been ​given in).

Many students like to do their home learning together. You can ​do this in the Bennett House home learning club.

Commitment to ​Learning

SMSJ may well have more rules than your Primary ​school; the older you get, the more we expect of you. ​We give students Reward (R) and Consequence (C) ​points to teach students the best way to behave, and ​your daily points can be seen on the Class Charts app.

This diagram shows our expectations for positive ​behaviour for learning.

Please read the description for excellent behaviour for ​learning in the R3 box. Students who show an R3 level ​of commitment to their learning, and always do their ​best, will achieve well and enjoy their lessons more.

There are rewards you will gain for excellent ​commitment to learning, and you will find out more ​about this in September.

We want SMSJ to be a place that is warm, welcoming and friendly. This ​means that it is somewhere our pupils are happy coming to learn, and where ​our staff are happy to come to work.

We have 540 students at Bennett House in Years 5-8 and we expect all to ​follow our instructions the first time, every time.

If you fail to commit to your learning and the learning of others, then there ​are consequences to help you to learn from your mistakes. We believe all ​students deserve disruption-free learning to help them achieve their best.

We deliberately call sanctions at SMSJ ‘reflections’, rather than ‘detentions’. ​This is because we expect students to reflect on what led them to make the ​mistake, and how they can learn from it so they don’t repeat it in the future.

Some top tips which will help you every day, but particularly when ​things have gone wrong:

  • Always be polite
  • Always treat every member of the school community respectfully
  • If you make a mistake, own up to it and apologise. ‘Sorry’ is a ​small word but it means a lot

Sometimes, when starting in Year 7, students are worried about what these ​consequences will look like and so we thought it would be helpful to give you ​some examples in this table.

Don’t worry! We will teach you the rules in September. We aim to be fair to all ​of our students at all times and will let your parents know if you receive any ​consequence points so that together we can support you to improve.

School Backpack 2
No phone sign
A Late Businessman


Likely Consequence


Forgot my book

C1 for missing equipment

To help you to remember to be organised and pack your bag the night before

Talked in a lesson when I ​wasn’t supposed to

C1 verbal warning for a lack of ​commitment to learning

Your teacher is reminding you to focus on the lesson. (3x C1 in a week will lead to a Friday ​detention.)

Kept talking to others after I had been reminded not to twice by my teacher

C2 for a persistent lack of commitment to learning despite a previous verbal warning

You are not listening to your teacher and your lack of commitment to learning is disrupting the learning of yourself and others. This will give you a 30-minute detention after school on the same day.

Persistently late to school

C3; 1h reflection on Friday

To help you to be more punctual. (C3 will lead to a Friday detention.)

Did not hand in my mobile ​device at PAM time.

C4; your device will be confiscated ​for 1 week. You will have a time for ​reflection at the end of the school ​day on that Friday.

Making sure no children have their mobile phones during the school day is an important ​part of how we keep you safe. Your safety is very important to us; therefore, the ​consequence is more serious. (C4 will lead to a Friday detention.)

Commitment to learning

Mobile Devices

Some students choose to bring their mobile devices to school and use them to ​communicate with their family when they are travelling to and from school to ensure their ​safety.

If you bring your mobile device (including a SMART watch) to school, you will need to hand ​it in for safekeeping each morning in PAM time. They will be kept securely in school until ​the end of the day. Mobile devices will be returned at the end of the day via your PAM.

You must not use your mobile device once you are on school grounds.

That includes the playground. If your device is seen or heard, a member of staff will ​confiscate it for one week and you will receive a C4 sanction.

It is highly important that you remember to turn your device off as soon as you arrive to ​school, before you enter the school gates, and keep it in your pocket or bag until you are ​asked to hand it in at PAM.

When you leave school at the end of the day, you must only turn your phone on when you ​are through the school gates.

Phones are always switched off and out of site on school grounds, before and after they ​are stored in the PAM trays.

Mobile Phone prohibited

Commitment to learning

Academic Progress

‘…with God, all things are possible.’ (Matthew 19:26)

At SMSJ we believe that with Christ, every day, every task, every ​situation, every relationship brims with divine possibility. God is ​always at work in our lives.

Rather than receiving grades on your child’s school reports, you will ​notice these levels which we use to measure their progress.

Study Continents Isolated Cartoon Vector Illustration.

Attendance Procedures

The importance of ​high attendance

Research has repeated demonstrated ​the strong link between attendance at ​school and attainment in ​examinations.

When students attend school ​consistently, they benefit from ​continuous learning, build strong ​relationships with teachers and peers, ​and cultivate a sense of responsibility.

Bilingual Instructions Isolated Cartoon Vector Illustration.

What to do

if your child is sick

There will be times where your child ​is sick and unable to attend school. In ​this event, call the main school ​number to report your child’s ​absence.

If you are unsure whether you should ​send your child to school check the ​NHS Is my child too ill for school? ​website.

Caring for a sick child isolated cartoon vector illustration.

Preparing you for wherever your future brings

A Level Study

S​MSJ Sixth Form

Crowd of Graduates


Vo​cational Courses

It might seem a long way off now, but we ​want you to think about where your ​secondary journey might take you. ​Careers education and other Personal, ​Social, Health, Citizenship and Economic

Education (PSHCEE) lessons won’t appear ​on your timetable, but will happen on ‘off-​timetable’ days.

It’s likely that you don’t know yet what you ​will do in the future, so for now, just

remember that learning matters so make ​the most of every lesson and every ​opportunity, to give yourself the best ​chance, whatever you decide to do.

School Facilities

We have specialist spaces ​for the subjects which ​need them: e.g. science ​laboratories, the spor​ts hall, dance studi​o, drama space, and te​chnology wo​rkshops

You will take part in PE ​lessons on different ​campuses depending on​ the sport you are​ studying: e.g., th​e playing field at Neal​e House, the trampoline​s at Bennett House, th​e table tennis facilities a​t Stamford Raffles​.

From Science, through ​Computer Science; and ​from Art to Food Tech, ​you will learn in ​classrooms with specialist ​equipment and facilities.

Break and Lunch

Food and drinks can be bought at lunchtime in the Dining Hall. We use a ​cashless system, ParentPay, which can be topped up online for ​convenience. School trips and other items are all paid for through Parent ​Pay.

Please bring a packed lunch to school on your very first day to while your ​account is being activated and your parents/carers are putting money ​onto your account. ALL FOOD MUST BE NUT-FREE.

Break time is 20 minutes long and lunchtime is 35 minutes long. This ​time is for you eat, to chat to your friends, use the toilet or play in the ​playground. You can also get yourself ready for your next lessons.

You can either bring a packed lunch or purchase school dinners at ​lunchtime, and you can bring a healthy break time snack to school.

There is a much larger selection of food than you will be used to at ​Primary school: a range of delicious hot and cold food from our ​Canteen, there is always a vegetarian option available.


Year 7 and Year 8 have split break times and lunch times. This means ​you have more space to move around outside and sit down to eat with ​your friends in the dining hall.

Please ensure that you have filled in a Free School Meal form if you ​meet the criteria for this, and a meal will be available each lunchtime.

However your meal is funded, you will arrive at the tills and as you ​type your number code into the machine, your meal will be paid for.

Enrichment &

Extra-Curricular ​Activities

Performances at SMSJ

The academic year is abundant with exciting performance opportunities for our students. These opportunities include our annual school musical, an Evening of Dance, LAMDA opportunities, Drama performance evenings, Barnet Dance Festival and competitions. Formal events are held throughout the year with termly church services accompanied by our musicians. We have established a strong collaboration with the Church of England with our students leading and performing in acts of worship at Lambeth Palace.

All of our performances take place at our fully equipped Stamford Raffles Campus theatre offering our students a professional performance environment. The performing life of our school is thriving, with many opportunities to perform in all aspects of the Performing Arts.

Extra-Curricular P.E.

Here at SMSJ we have daily Super Curricular activities to be enjoyed by all of ​our students. Activities change seasonally and offer our students a wide ​range of activities to enjoy and build a lifelong love of exercise. All of our ​opportunities beyond the classroom can be enjoyed purely for recreation or ​in more competitive situations by joining one of our sports teams. Activities ​throughout the year include, Netball, Football, Basketball, Rounders, ​Athletics ran by our PE department. Alongside this we have built strong ​partnerships with companies in the professional world of sport to stretch ​and challenge our students further. Weekly sessions include, Cheerleading ​with Saracens and football sessions for girls with KR Academy.

Enrichment &

Extra-Curricular ​Activities

Our Enrichment Programme

We have an exciting extra-curricular ​Enrichment Programme at SMSJ, which ​takes place on Tuesday afternoons from 3.05​ - 3.55pm each week.​

Year 7 Tuesday Enrichment

In Year 7 you will be able to enjoy a carousel of different activities during the Tuesday Enrichment period. Your activity will change half-termly and includes a range of activities such as Multi-Sports and Police Cadets.

Enrichment Opportunities

At SMSJ we also provide many opportunities ​where our broad curriculum is enriched ​beyond the classroom: trips to museums, ​plays, concerts and other performances; as well ​as visiting speakers, theatre companies, and ​practitioners who lead activities with students.

Peripatetic Music Lessons

Parents can book these lessons to take place in school. They are ​organised through BEAT, directly by the parents. For information ​about this use the following link: BEAT Trust

You can sign up for your child’s lessons using this URL (the deadline for ​lessons in the Autumn Term is 1st July 2024): BEAT sign up

Peripatetic Drama Lessons: LAMDA

Parents can book these lessons from our LAMDA ​provider Lighthouse who have been working ​with SMSJ students for a number of years.

Lesson structures and fees:

Solo lessons - £22.00 per 30 mins (paid in advance termly). In this 1-1 set up the teacher can tailor ​their lesson to the individual learning preferences of the student so they can progress in a way that ​suits them. (During lesson time, using a timetable that alternates to ensure the same subject is not ​missed).

Duo lessons - £16.00 per person per 40 minutes (paid in advance termly) Pupils doing duo ​lessons may study for an exam together or they may use the time to work towards two solo exams. ​(During lesson time, using a timetable that alternates to ensure the same subject is not missed).

Group lessons (10 + students) £12.50 per person per 1 hour 15 mins (paid in advance termly) ​These lessons will be weekdays after school and include group warm up games and activities.

  • Lessons include warm up games and exercises that work on performance skills.
  • Resources and study guides are emailed to parents for their reference and given to students.
  • Regular reports and feedback are given for all students and parents.

To sign up, fill in the form here or use the QR Code:

And to find out more email: hello@lighthousessdc.org

Homework Help Club Isolated Cartoon Vector Illustration.
homework gradient icon

Home learning support

Morning Home ​Learning Club

8am every morning in the Zen Zone

at Bennett House

Health and Wellbeing

nut free label

At SMSJ your Health and Wellbeing are very important to us.

We are a Healthy Eating School, and food provided in the Canteen ​and permitted for Packed Lunches reflects this.

There are certain foods that students are not allowed to bring into ​school. These include:

  • Any nut products. We are a nut-free school.
  • Any sweets. We want to encourage our young people to develop ​healthy eating habits and choices.
  • Chewing gum. This damages the school building and makes it a ​less pleasant place for our students to study and our staff to ​work in.

Please note that students who bring in nuts or sweets will have these ​items confiscated, and students who bring in chewing gum will receive a ​sanction that involves helping improve the school environment.

No Sweet
No Chewing Gum Prohibited Sign, No Blow a Bubble Forbidden Modern round Sticker, Vector Illustration

Health and Wellbeing

We encourage students to be active and use their energy well by ​running around at break and lunch in the playground.

For those who need a quieter environment we provide the ​Library & Dining Hall at break and lunch as quieter space to be.

For students who prefer gentle conversation and interaction with ​other students and Learning Support Staff there is the Zen Zone.

Collective worship, PAM time and PSHCEE - all have a strong ​focus on health and wellbeing.

If you want to have a conversation with a member of the pastoral team at school, but would prefer them to come to you, you can press the Wellbeing Button on your ClassCharts. It will always be responded to.

Take time to talk

If you do not feel you can talk to someone familiar, here are a few useful contacts for young people in times of need:

Tips From Previous Year 7 Students
Hand Drawn Speech bubble

“Get involved in ​as many things as ​possible, it will ​help to make lots ​of new friends ​with similar ​interests.”

Hand Drawn Speech Bubble

“Don’t be afraid of change, at the ​start I was scared as I had hardly ​anyone from my primary school here, ​but it’s been great to make new ​friends.”

Hand Drawn Speech bubble

“First impressions really ​count; remember to put ​your hands up to answer ​and ask questions! Our ​teachers love to help…”

Hand Drawn Speech Bubble

“It’s not about getting attention, it’s ​about making an effort in all your ​classes and making a good future for ​yourself by doin​g as well as you can.”

Hand Drawn Speech Bubble

Don’t be afraid to ask ​the older students for ​help, we are not that ​scary and want to help!”

Hand Drawn Speech bubble

“Be yourself ​and be open to ​others’ ​thoughts and ​feelings and ​opinions.”

Getting around

There are TOILETS ​on the First Floor ​and on the ​Ground Floor by ​the playground.

Student Services is located within the ​Main Office, this is where you can give in ​letters, ask for help with your locker, and ​ask for Medical assistance if you need it.

Spaces in Orange are offices or rooms ​where staff can be found. You may only ​enter these spaces with permission

Upstairs, we follow a one-way system, ​walking in the direction that the arrows ​are pointing.


Remember that you are joining the SMSJ ​family and everyone here wants you to be ​happy and successful in all areas of life.

If you do have any worries or concerns make ​sure you tell somebody about them. It could ​be your parents, a member of staff or a friend ​who may be able to help you.

We have a strong and caring Safeguarding ​Team at SMSJ. You can talk to your PAM ​teacher, who you will see each day; your Head ​of Year, Ms McGinnis; our Assistant Principal in ​Bennett House, Mr Gorman; our School ​Counsellor; our Designated Safeguarding ​Lead, Ms Kavia; or simply a teacher that you ​trust and feel comfortable to talk to.

It is important that you remember, we are all ​here to help you.

Getting to SMSJ


Remember to search for the our Bennett House Campus on ​Sunningfields Road, NW4 4QR.

Please be careful to stick to well-lit areas, walk in a group, cross ​roads safely, and avoid being distracted by your phone.

red double decker bus


The follow routes stop nearby:

125, 143, 183, 326

Use the TfL Journey Planner to plan your route.

Home-School ​Agreement

We believe that effective education is a partnership between ​the school, parents and carers, and students. To ensure ​clarity and understanding of our shared responsibilities, we ​have developed a Home-School Agreement. This agreement ​outlines the commitments expected from each party to ​support the child's learning journey and overall wellbeing.

All parents and carers, and students must sign the ​agreement before starting at SMSJ.

View the Agreement here

Parent-Teacher Interview Isolated Cartoon Vector Illustration.

Wo​rking together

Ho​w we stay in touch throughout the year

Parents Get a Report Card Isolated Cartoon Vector Illustration.

Settling-in Evening

On Monday 23rd September 3.30pm, our Settling-In ​Evening is the chance for you to meet your child’s ​PAM and help us support your child to make the bes​t possible start to their secondary ​education.

Ke​y Dates

Parent Consultation Evenings

There is a consultation evening for each year group during the academic year. For Year 7 this happens in the summer term.

Sc​hool Calendar

School Newsletter

Our Spotlight newsletter is emailed to parents and carers regularly throughout the school year so you can keep up to date with the exciting news and opportunities at SMSJ.

Vi​ew Here

Get involved

Parent Teacher Association

We have a wonderful PTA, who are fully committed to ​enhancing all students’ education. They organise and run ​lots of different events over the course of the academic ​year including discos, bake sales, teacher events, a summer ​fayre and many more. All funds go back to the school to ​enrich students’ experience of school both within and ​outside the classroom.

We are always keen to welcome new members of the PTA ​and to explore new fundraising ideas. If you would like to ​join the SMSJ PTA or to find out more information about ​how you can support the PTA please contact them on: ​pta@smsj.london.

We look forward to hearing from you!

Discussion and Questions Isolated Cartoon Vector Illustration.
Tips From Previous Year 7 Parents
Hand Drawn Speech bubble

“I love Class Charts!

It’s such a helpful ​and handy App. It ​allows me to see ​how well my child is ​doing in each lesson ​every day.”

Hand Drawn Speech bubble

I was nervous about my ​daughter starting ​secondary, but it was much ​more straightforward than ​I’d thought.

Hand Drawn Speech Bubble

when my son was anxious about an issue ​with his friend, I contacted his Pam ​teacher who was really good and helped ​them talk through the problem and work ​it out. All good now!

Hand Drawn Speech bubble

name every item of ​uniform! September ​would’ve been easier for ​my child who wasn’t used ​to being in charge of all ​of her own things...names ​in clothes really helped ​her to find things she’d ​dropped along the way!

Hand Drawn Speech Bubble

Homework is much easier to k​eep track of than I thought it w​ould be. Class Charts has all t​he tasks on it, and the m​aterials my son needs.

Hand Drawn Speech Bubble

It took a moment to get used to emailing ​or making an appointment to see a ​teacher, unlike primary where I could see ​them at the school gate easily.

Ways you can help

Parent-Teacher Interview Isolated Cartoon Vector Illustration.

Be Supportive,

Work Together

Your child’s education and ​wellbeing are our highest ​priority. We will need to ​work together in order to ​achieve the best outcomes ​for your child.

Tennis Camp Abstract Concept Illustration

Foster Positive ​Attitudes

Emphasise the positive ​aspects of starting ​secondary school, such as ​making new friends, ​exploring new subjects, ​and participating in ​exciting extracurricular ​activities.

Homework Help Club Isolated Cartoon Vector Illustration.

Establish Routines

Help your child establish a ​daily routine that includes ​time for home learning, ​leisure activities, and ​adequate rest. ​Consistency and structure ​can help alleviate anxiety ​and promote a sense of ​stability.

Packing for School Illustration

Promote Organisation

Help your child stay ​organised by providing ​them with the necessary ​school supplies, such as ​notebooks, pens, and a ​planner or calendar to ​keep track of assignments ​and deadlines.

Child and Woman with Phone

Check ClassCharts ​Daily​

Work with SMSJ to help us ​encourage good habits, ​effort in lessons and high ​standards of conduct.

‘All About Me’ Summer Project

In preparation for September, all of our new Year 7 pupils will create an ​‘About Me’ collage during the summer holidays.

Please make it vibrant and fun!

You will bring this into school on your first day in September to show your PAM ​teacher.

In order to help you to get to know the other students in your PAM, through the ​first few weeks of school in PAM time each student will have the opportunity to ​present their collage to their PAM group.

You can be as creative as you like with your ‘About Me’ - here are some examples ​of different ways you could present your information about yourself.


Indonesian Elementary School Student Thinking

What Does BHC mean?

BHC is the abbreviation for Bennett House Campus (on Sunningfields Road, NW4 4QR). This is the campus where your child will undertake most of their learning in Year 7 and Year 8. They will start and end each day here.

What Does SRC mean?

SRC is the abbreviation for Stamford Raffles Campus (on Downage, NW4 1AB). This is the campus where your child will undertake most of their learning from Year 9 onwards. They may have some PE lessons, or attend some other activities, here during the year.

What does PAM mean?

PAM means “Pastoral and Academic Mentoring”. The PAM group functions as your child’s registration group at the beginning and end of each school day, held by the PAM teacher most of the time. The PAM teacher the main point of contact at school for you and your child. Most questions, concerns, celebrations can and should be communicated to school via their PAM teacher.

What is the biggest thing I can do to help my child get ready for Secondary School?

Read the equipment list and ensure they have everything they need.

Name all uniform and equipment.

Know that, while the move to secondary school may feel daunting, the Year 7 team will get to know your child very quickly and within a couple of weeks they will feel like they have been at SMSJ forever!

I still have questions! Who can I contact?

Admissions Enquiries - admissions@smsj.london

Ms McGinnis (Head of Year 7) - f.mcginnis@smsj.london (term-time)

Key dates for your ​diary!

hand drawn empty calendar

Wednesday 3rd July - Additional Transition Day, BHC

9:00 AM - Students with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities

1:15 PM - Students who are the only student attending from their primary school.

You will have been contacted separately if you have been invited to this day.

Thursday 4th July - Transition Day, 9.00am BHC

On the Barnet-wide transition day, we look forward to meeting all of our new Year 7 ​students. You will meet your Pastoral and Academic Mentor (PAM) and Head of Year, ​have a tour of the school and experience some example lessons.

Monday 8th July - Year 7 Transition Evening, 3.30pm SRC

An important opportunity to learn about key information ahead of the September start. It ​is also a chance for you to discuss any issues that may have arisen on the transition day, ​and to ask any questions you may have.

Tuesday 3rd September - First Day of Term, 8.30am BHC

The big day! School will only be open for Year 7 students at Bennett House Campus (and ​Year 12 students at Stamford Raffles Campus), so they will have the chance to settle ​without any older students around. They will have an extended PAM session until lunch, ​fol​lowing which they will have their first two lessons.

Monday 23rd September - Year 7 Settling-in Evening, 3.30pm SRC

3 weeks in, you will have the chance to meet your child’s PAM. This is a really important ​evening, as we will have the chance to discuss how they have settled, and to address any ​issues arising.


Are you ready for September? Checklist!

Signed the home-school agreement

Written key dates into diary

Purchased uniform

Purchased PE kit

Named/labelled all uniform & kit

Purchased required equipment

Welcome Lettering

We can’t wait

To meet you!

...with God, all things are possible

Matthew 19:26